It is our opinion that every child should be given the opportunity for an education. This has to start with the junior school and each child be given later the chance to progress into further education. Not only the youth but also for adults, who probably as children had little or no chance for an education, is it important that training, workshops and English lessons be made available.
To improve the economical sustainability and to ensure a certain level of prosperity and welfare within the community on the peninsula of Kalapuwa, education is essential.
Foundation Kalapuwa offers the following possibilities:
Alongside cognitive development it is important for us to stimulate a social and emotional development potential for the youth. Our partners IDoDareDream ( offer top trainers Marc Jan and Mirjam workshops in which personal development stands central. With respect for the Singhalese culture, differing in some ways to the Dutch methodology, discussions are entered into covering many aspect of daily life and encouraging personal improvement and development .
These are our two Top Teachers. Tharanga and Dunja currently give English lessons in four locations: